5 Flowers that will Brighten up a Shady Patio or Balcony July 13, 2021Alina Smith Regardless of what space or budget you have, there’s a way to liven it up with some plants! Not just that, but there are flowering plant varieties with gorgeous and...
How to Germinate Exotic Seeds: Part 1(YouTube) June 22, 2021Alina Smith1 comment Our second Youtube video is out! It covers the basics on growing houseplants from seed, the conditions tropical seeds need to thrive, and 2 basic methods of achieving these conditions....
The Evolution of My Small North-Facing Patio Garden June 08, 2021Alina Smith Plantflix is all about creative gardening, there is no limitation that can keep someone from gardening who really wants to, regardless of how much space, light or funds you have...
How to Decorate your Home with Seed Starter Setups May 31, 2021Alina Smith Growing from seed is a very entertaining hobby! It requires dedication, hard work, and most of all: love. With tools of all budgets that can help you garden anywhere, like...
14 Popular Houseplants You can Grow from Seed April 22, 2021Alina Smith1 comment The houseplant seed world is still pretty niche and limited, but even so, there are several popular varieties that are instantly recognizable to houseplant collectors that you too can grow...
How to Grow Veggies and Herbs Indoors(for all budgets!) March 26, 2021Alina Smith A lot of you gardening hobbyists out there may not have the space and light situation you’d like to have(that’s me!), but if that’s what’s keeping you from starting a...
12 Easy Plants To Grow From Seed & Grow Indoors March 12, 2021Alina Smith1 comment Growing plants from seed is a hobby in it’s own right, with different seed varieties requiring different germination methods. So if you’re just getting started in the hobby, it’s best...
How to grow palms [and cycads] from seed January 16, 2021Alina Smith Growing various houseplants from seed can be tricky, however if you’re someone that just needs that extra challenge, then palm, cycad or some tree varieties are the natural next step...
How to Continue Gardening Through Fall and Winter December 03, 2020Alina Smith There a common misconception that fall and winter means the end of the gardening season, which is simply not true! Now we here at Plantflix are all about indoor gardening,...
How to Choose the Right Seeds for You! November 20, 2020Alina Smith1 comment I get questions pretty regularly about what seeds are good to get depending on a person’s situation and experience, so here’s a post breaking down the categories currently available in...
Top 10 Cutest Plant Babies November 13, 2020Alina Smith We get tagged in new photos of little houseplant seedlings all the time, and naturally we're always germinating our own exotic seeds. Here's our list of the top 10 cutest...
How to Grow Monstera Deliciosa(aka Swiss Cheese Plant) from Seed October 29, 2020Alina Smith2 comments Monstera Deliciosa are one of the most iconic plants in the houseplant hobby, and luckily, growing them from seed is not too difficult! Growing any houseplant from seed comes with...