6 Easy Steps to Grow Caladiums Indoors from Bulbs June 02, 2020Alina Smith Ah Caladiums. Is there a plant out there with a more striking variety of foliage than Caladiums? They can be a little tricky to find the adult plants for, but...
How to Grow Fatsia Japonica (Japanese Aralia) From Seed May 20, 2020Alina Smith1 comment One of the underrated houseplants out there, the Fatsia Japonica(or Japanese Aralia) is a beautiful, lush plant that also happens to be very easy to grow and take care of!...
5 Easy Herbs to Grow Indoors In Your Herb Garden May 15, 2020Alina Smith Spring is the perfect time to plant seeds and kickstart your (indoor) garden for the growing season. There is so much information and inspiration for starting a garden in your...
Plant Spotlight: The China Doll Plant February 07, 2020Alina Smith Does this plant look familiar? No? Well if you read my post about the Fire Flash plant, this is another extremely underrated houseplant, and it’s called Radermachera Sinica, or the...
How to NOT get Scammed Buying Houseplant Seeds! January 28, 2020Alina Smith2 comments So I wrote post about the houseplant seed scams out there recently and I wanted to follow up with some simple steps to identify a scam so that firstly, you...
Plant Spotlight: The Fire Flash Plant January 22, 2020Alina Smith Anyone who follows me on Instagram should know by now that Syngoniums are my favorite houseplants. Unfortunately, as of yet I don’t have seeds for those(one day…) but one of...
The Houseplant Seed Scam Epidemic December 13, 2019Alina Smith2 comments Have you ever tried buying houseplant seeds on Ebay or any other ecommerce platform only to get scammed? I have, and so have a ton of other people, and that’s...
How to Grow Houseplants from Seed November 25, 2019Alina Smith2 comments Growing houseplants from seed is tricky, but extremely rewarding and fun! In this post we'll be covering the basics of what's necessary to germinate your houseplant seeds successfully.